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(512) 914-0006



Anxiety can help you do amazing things.

“The butterflies in my stomach are making me feel like I am going to throw up!”

In such cases, anxiety helps us get in front of a group and make a presentation or shoot the last-minute free throw to win the game.

That is when anxiety is managed by us.

When anxiety keeps you from living your life and doing the things you love, that is when it is time to get help.

Anxiety can distort the truth.

“My friends all want to hang out, but I don’t know if they invited me because they feel sorry for me or because they really want to hang out with me.”

When we have anxiety, our minds convince us of things that aren’t true.

More bad days than good days make life seem imperfect.

“Maybe if I work harder and get an A in school, then I will feel good enough.”

“If I get a B, it will mean I am not perfect, and I can’t handle that. Therefore, I stay up for hours going over my homework, because if I don’t – I might not get a good grade.”

“If I don’t get a good grade, what will my teacher think of me? What will my friends think?”

If you are having more bad days than good days and feeling like you are never enough, it is time to get help.

Depression expresses itself in many ways.

“I choose not to go out when my friends ask me unless I know who is going to be there, because I don’t want to be in a situation where I won’t know someone. I don’t feel like meeting anyone new and risk the thought of what they will think of me.”

Loneliness, shame, and perfectionism can be some of the symptoms of depression. Persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood; thoughts of suicide; difficulty sleeping; and decreased interest in hobbies or sports are some other things to keep in mind when considering depression.

In teens, irritability can be a symptom along with appetite and/or weight changes.

“I often wonder what it would be like if I wasn’t here.”

“Life is so hard right now, and I think it would be easier for myself and my family if I weren’t causing problems.”

Sometimes it is hard to snap out of those feelings. This is when depression begins to impact all aspects of your life, and it is time to seek help from a therapist. I can help.

You are enough, and no problem is too big.

Contact me today at (512) 914-0006, and let’s work together to find the real truth about yourself, not the one you are telling yourself at the moment.