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(512) 914-0006


Parenting Support

My kids didn’t come with a manual!

Wait… what??

Seriously, parenting is hard; and technology being front-and-center makes parenting that much more challenging.

“I yell too much, and I don’t like it.”

“I have completely lost control of my kids and house.”

“Nothing I am doing is motivating my kid to get better grades.” 

“I don’t know what consequences work anymore.” 

“I want a better relationship with my kids.”

Does any of this sound familiar?

Good parenting does not require being perfect.

A major league baseball player who gets a hit just 30% of the time throughout his career (3-10) will likely end up in Cooperstown, the location of the Baseball Hall of Fame.

If you got parenting right 3 out of 10 times, you would be in the Hall of Fame of Parenting. That takes the pressure off being a “perfect parent.”

We yell, we take stuff away, and we make mistakes.

Parenting needs to start with being honest.

Parenting is about being able to say, “I am sorry. I didn’t handle that situation correctly.” This response models the attributes we want our kids to have.

Sometimes parents get caught up in knowing everything and being right versus allowing our flaws to show through and being honest with our kids.

It doesn’t hurt to reach out for parenting support.

You are not alone in the parenting game. It is possible to become a hall of fame candidate.

It is time to get support, so you can have the relationship you always wanted with your child.

Come get support while being a parent who is flawed, has big love to share, and wants to be the best role model for your kids.

Don’t wait another day.

Complete the contact form below or call me at (512) 914-0006.